Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Connecting in the Etsy Village

Good Wednesday Morning to All!

Sitting here at my computer this morning I was thinking about all those I have met on Etsy.  Funny how we use the term "met" when maybe a convo or two went out.  Or how about the friends we have, same with that we have only convo'd or "talked" in the forum or in our Team.

Having an Etsy shop takes on a life of its own.  Being on the net also has its life.

We do make and retain friends, sometimes our heart goes out to them and they console or make you laugh.  Just as in life at home. 

The Etsy village as I call it sends many our way to connect with.  Isn't that just wonderful?  finding comfort in "knowing" someone we've never met or having a connection with them is nice.  Life is good.

So today network all that you can, talk, share and be active in your Etsy community.  Hearts and Hands United has become a vital part of my life.  they are simply the most beautiful team of ladies ever.  We weave a unique bond.

Have a successful day and go meet one new person today!  Network all you can!


Candace said...

This seems like a great group! I am excited to make new friends and meet new people. We can all help eachother the more we interact and connect :)

Unknown said...

Love you!! I never thought of Etsy as a village, but you are so right! I am so glad to have made the friends I have on Etsy!!! =)

Unknown said...

NancyD..You are such a beautiful writer and person!!

Village..Yes, great way to describe it.

Somedays I feel like the Village Idiot..ha

FabricGreetings said...

This is a great resource. One of these days I might actually get around to doing something in this village!

FabricGreetings said...

This is a great resource. One of these days I might actually get around to doing something in this village!

jan at said...

I run an animal sanctuary and would like to network with animal rescuers or animal lovers - any idea how to do that? Are there other people out there running an Etsy shop to make money for their non-profit?